04633 292222


08:00 AM - 06:00 PM


Message from the Director

On behalf of all the students, teachers, I welcome you to the warm community of New Cambridge Matric Higher Secondary School. As parents, we understand that, selecting a school for your child is one of the most significant decisions you make in life.Knowing what a child wants to do in life and wherewithal how to reach their goal in future, your children are at the right place in NCMHSS .

Our carefully chosen academic staff are highly qualified and well experienced in modern, innovative methods and teaching, will be the best guides and facilitators to open the windows of knowledge. Our core idea is to enable children to discover their inner strength to perceive things around them and move to higher levels of knowledge as they grow into young adults, in order to find a suitable place and be a valuable contributors to the ever changing, dynamic society.

New Cambridge Matric Higher secondary School promises to live up to these ideals to bring out the wholesome personality of the students under our tutelage. We seek your co-operation, blessings and patronage to help us realize this dream for your child and make it true.

“Commitment to excellence will enable you to attain the success you seek”

-Mario Andretti

It has always been our desire to provide quality education to the children of our region. Our school creates wonderful environment for each and every children who step in to the campus, where they are equipped with innovative and amazing learning facilities. The atmosphere in four school makes the children feel at home, secure and comfortable.

We wish to highlight the efficiency and dedication of the entire management, Director, Principal, staff and other relevant faculty members, whose contribution to empowered the children to face the competitive world with knowledge strength and courage. The teaching staff are not only top ranking intellectual , but also are deeply committed, balanced and responsible academicians, who are specially trained and empowered to successful meet the psychological and emotional needs of every single student of New Cambridge Matric. Hr. Sec. School.

We promise that every child will go back home from school filled with immense new things learnt and thirst to know more and more.

It is needless to say that one school is the powerhouse of education and crest of enlightenment.